Let's make societal impact!
You are a nerd with ambitions to make the world a better place.
But that will only happen when your target audience really understands your message and – most importantly – acts on it.
Do you dare to leave your nerdy tower and make (societal) impact? I am happy to help!
Communication strategy
Get your nerdy story straight and find the right tone of voice to reach your target audience! It’s essential to develop your storyline as soon as possible and start building a relationship with
your audience. Are you looking for someone who can help you with that? Let’s get in touch!
Guaranteed: positive vibes and some humor!
Team sessions
Get your (nerdy) team members on the same page during one or multiple team sessions! I know from experience that multidisciplinary teams have tremendous value. I also know that it’s not self-evident that all team members understand each other, due to differences in expertise. Do you want
to overcome jargon barriers? I can help your team to communicate in an effective way.
Disclosure: you may end up with team slang…
Roll up your sleeves during an interactive workshop! I am a firm believer of putting newly acquired knowledge into practice right away. Do you want to learn how to make societal impact through effective (science) communication?
I developed several workshops that got you covered. Spoiler: it will be fun!
Let's get you out there!
Are you ready to leave your tower? Or do you need more convincing?
Let me tell you this: building a relationship with your audience is key to making (societal) impact.
Only when people trust you, they will follow your advice.
So it’s time to become visible and mingle with your audience! You can just be yourself, I promise!
I'll go first...
Hi! I am Renée Verdiesen and fellow nerd. I was trained as Epidemiologist at the UMC Utrecht (MSc and PhD), and worked for several years as postdoc at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Nowadays, I am on a quest to help as many nerds as possible to make societal impact and change the world for the better. As scientist, I worked on complex topics in multidisciplinary departments, which sparked my passion for effective (science) communication. The most important ingredient for that is finding a connection with your audience. Personally, I like to do that through positivity and a bit of humor, without selling my message short!
Would you like to learn how to do that as well?
Start taking small steps to increase your online visibility and subscribe for two-weekly visibility challenges
Details that you provide here will only be used for sending visibility challenges by email. You can unsubscribe from this service whenever you want!
PhD fairy godmother
I love to support junior scientists through mentoring and cheerleading. When the going gets tough during your PhD, it’s so valuable to have someone who knows how the scientific world works, and is in your corner. A fairy godmother who comes to the rescue when things look hopeless. I know from experience that the last phase of your PhD can be overwhelming. You are exhausted, and at the same time you want your thesis to be an accurate reflection of all your hard work. Time to slow down and recharge! Yes, really! Even if that feels counterintuitive. Take a step back and plan a strategy to finish your PhD thesis. If this encouragement was just what you needed, that’s fantastic! If you could use help with this, the Thoughtful Stories writing events may be just what you need.
Let's get you to your PhD finish line!
Writing morning
Friday December 6 (2024)
Learn how to effectively write academic texts! First drafts can be a real pain. You want them to be perfect from the start, but let’s face it: there is no such thing as a perfect first version! And trust me that is totally fine – and also not your job! – because science is teamwork. During this writing morning I will help you set realistic writing goals, on which you will work during focused writing blocks.
The result: progress instead of procastination, and motivation to keep writing!
Writing retreat
Monday March 17 – Friday March 21 (2025)
Gain momentum for your final PhD sprint! Many PhD candidates feel exhausted at the end of their PhD trajectory. If feel you; I was one of them as well. A way to keep moving forward is alternating focused writing blocks with recharging activities. If that’s not how you normally roll, it can be challenging to change your working mindset. During this writing retreat, I will help you to get there. I will also be available as independent mentor and chef.
The result: substantial progress on your thesis, a recharged battery, and motivation to finish your PhD!
Let's get in touch!
I’ll be happy to meet up for a (virtual) coffee or plan a call to discuss how I can help you.
You can find my contact details below.
PS An extended website with more details about Thoughtful Stories will launch soon!